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Dobrodošli na kmetiji Malovščevo!

Pri Malovščevih se prepletata preprostost in pristnost pravega kmečkega življenja. Obiščite nas.

Our activities

  • Accommodation

    When the night becomes too short and the journey home too long, our stylishly decorated rooms offer a quiet rest.

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  • Tourist Farm and Cuisine

    The beauties of our surroundings feed the soul; the delicacies of our farm feed the body.

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  • Wines

    Garbari fine wines have captured the sun and the Vipava winds.

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  • Local Agricultural Produce

    Enjoy the love that grows from local farmland and the hard-working hands of the people who cultivate it.

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Malovščevo – News



SREDA 12:00 - 17:00

PETEK 12:00 - 17:00

SOBOTA 8:00 - 12:00

Our farm receives the Gold Award!

In 2014 our tourist farm received the Premium Gold Award in the competition From the Farm to You. More about this award and the competition goals can be read at the following link.



We are renowned for fine domestic cuisine. Our dishes consist of a variety of delicacies served in a friendly ambience for those who appreciate home-grown food. Moreover, we ensure that our foods are always seasonal. In our house the kitchen is still the most important location, since three generations are involved in cooking. The young generation is the one that brings with its knowledge of gastronomy new ideas and freshness, whereas the old ones preserve the flavours of times past. Beautiful surroundings and ease of access to our farm, even for larger groups and coach parties, are the two reasons we have more and more visitors who seek a rural environment and fine hospitality. For group visits prior reservation is obligatory. All are warmly welcome!